How Can a $115 Sales Aptitude Assessment Save You $150,000

Regular readers of this blog might wonder why we at Asher Strategies place so much emphasis on giving each and every member of a sales team, from executives on down, a sales aptitude assessment.  After all, most of us pride ourselves on being good judges of character, and a formal interview process should give us more than enough opportunity to gauge whether a prospective employee is a good fit.

And past successes might lead us to believe that we truly know “how to pick ’em.”

That is, until we err by putting our faith and resources behind a candidate that blows a huge deal that was already in the bag. Or who, while being an able performer at her previous firm, just never seems to quite get off the ground at your company and leaves after a year — costing you a lot of money, not to mention time.

The true cost of poor hiring choices in sales

How much money are we really talking about with regard to each poor hiring decision?

It has been estimated to be a minimum of $150,000, which is easy to visualize when you take into consideration many common expenses:

  • Onboarding & HR personnel costs
  • Training courses
  • Company-issued  computers or tablets
  • Salaries and/or draws against commission
  • Tax withholding & Social Security
  • Health insurance
  • Signing bonuses
  • Business cards and other marketing collateral
  • Sales manager time
  • Lost sales due to incompetence

It is my firm belief, gained through experience that you cannot train a person to succeed very much beyond his or her natural aptitude. Sure, you can stretch their skills a bit, but if the natural aptitude is just not there, it is better to put them in a different role where they can succeed.

Therefore, it is simply a no-brainer to choose the right people rather than go through all of those expenses for nothing, and this is why having a sales aptitude assessment solution for your business is so important.

What are some of the things that a sales aptitude assessment shines a light on?

  • Selling Style. Is the person more suited for an outside sales position than an inside one?
  • Compatibility with your company culture. Would this candidate likely clash with other employees and customers due to being overly aggressive, because your firm employs a softer selling approach?
  • Training. Who would benefit the most from training, and who would benefit the least?
  • Super salespeople. Do you have any current or prospective employees, who, given the right training, could become one of the Top Four Per centers — the elite salespeople who sell 94 percent of the goods and services in the United States?

Craft Personality Questionnaire

It has 75 questions designed to find where a person’s Eight Basic Personality Traits lie when compared with other successful people’s traits for specific sales roles.  At Asher, we deliver the Craft Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) via our online platform. It is the standard for building a perfect team based on sound research with correlation studies that show natural aptitude is a significant factor in predicting sales success.

The cost is only $115 for a single test, with prices as low as $75 per test with volume purchases. That is a lot more affordable than making a $150,000 mistake on your next hire!

Leave the guesswork behind — make a big impact on your business by getting better results in your hiring process today with Asher’s sales aptitude assessment. Visit here to set up your account.



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