You Can Never get Enough Corporate Sales Training

As business professionals, there are certain questions we are always asking ourselves: Are we doing what works? Can we spend smarter? How do we increase sales in a cost effective way? All great questions that deserve smart answers.

Many of us are familiar with the fact that $1 trillion is spent annually worldwide on corporate sales training (Bureau of Labor Statistics) and very likely you’ve done similar trainings for your sales team before, but is it really making an impact? Is this an effective way to invest in your business and your people to improve your bottom line?

Here are a few reasons why you can never really get enough corporate sales training:

Times are a Changin’

It hardly needs to be said, but in the course of only a few years the face of modern sales techniques has been changed and changed again. Does the term ‘disruption’ sound familiar? The new economy is driven by cutting edge technology and consumers are more savvy and well-informed than ever. This means that your sales team needs to keep their selling skills toolbox sharpened to keep up with the demands of an ever-changing customer base.

Forbes Magazine recently reported that on average, 78% of salespeople who utilize social media outperform their colleagues who rely only on old school techniques. The right corporate sales training will keep your sales team ahead of the curve as well as reinforce good, old-fashioned salesmanship.

Finding the Superstar

It’s only natural to want to hire a superstar right out of the gate and begin benefitting from their performance; we all know it rarely works out that way. You may have one or two great performers and the rest of your team performs in an average fashion. Business sales training can help develop and nurture the potential talent in those average performers and raise them up to superstar status.

Another Forbes report discusses the emerging talent of team players who can learn from their mistakes and use it as a motivating force. The right business sales training can draw those talented employees out and start providing them with the tools to better perform. This not only increases the overall talent of your sales force but ensures the right employees are getting the training to make sure they have everything they need to excel.

Numbers Don’t Lie

According to Iko Systems, 94% of US companies invest in corporate sales training. Of those businesses, the top performing companies invest more time and resources to sales training than their peers. This hardly seems a coincidence. There is a direct correlation to the overall performance and sales closing ability of your sales team and effective sales training. This makes perfect sense when you consider that sales training will provide your top performers with new skills and further motivate them to reach higher goals. Sales training also uses personality tests to ensure you are committing those precious resources to the employees who will most benefit from top sales training programs and give you the best return on your investment.

So to answer those questions: corporate sales training works, is cost effective and has been proven to show real positive results for your bottom line. The question now becomes; can you afford not to invest in corporate sales training?


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