Online Sales Training Success

Recent events have made online sales training more important than ever. Until the coronavirus pandemic is over, it remains the only form of meaningful personal sales training for many salespeople and executives across the country. I recently recorded an episode for our Asher Sales Podcast called “Seven Elements of Crazy Good Online Sales Training” where Online Sales Training Success

Chapter 7 – How to Implement

In this chapter, we’ll explore a few best practices for implementing pre-employment assessments in your business. All are based on years of real-world experience working with many B2B customers to identify and hire the best possible candidates. Our hiring test of choice remains the Advanced Personality Questionnaire (APQ), so we will refer to it throughout Chapter 7 – How to Implement

Chapter 6 – What to look for? (Key Selection Factors/Features)

In the previous chapters we covered the basics of pre-employment assessments and their value to sales organizations. In the following installment, we delve into the features which comprise a great test, especially for sales candidates. Correlation studies The most important question every test must answer is “Do these test scores correlate with real-world performance?” Otherwise, Chapter 6 – What to look for? (Key Selection Factors/Features)

Chapter 3: How Do They Work?

Pre-employment assessments vary in what they measure. Some are skills-based, such as those which require the test taker to complete job-related tasks. Others measure general problem-solving faculties, a perfect example being the good old-fashioned IQ test. And then there are aptitude tests which seek to predict suitability for certain jobs based on the personality or Chapter 3: How Do They Work?