How many of these successful salesperson personality traits do you have?

Research demonstrates that while you can improve a salesperson’s performance through training, the bulk of their success comes from innate personality traits. In other words, there is a lot of truth to the phrase “they are born with it” when it comes to selling. An employment aptitude test such as the Advanced Personality Questionnaire (APQ) How many of these successful salesperson personality traits do you have?

Scared to give a speech? How Corporate Keynote Speakers Prepare for Success

Every salesperson is tasked with presenting their solutions to potential buyers. Sometimes this involves just one buyer, but in the B2B and government sales world this usually means multiple people such as a group of executives or a buying committee. This can cause problems for salespeople uncomfortable with public speaking. Some salespeople become overwhelmingly anxious Scared to give a speech? How Corporate Keynote Speakers Prepare for Success

Sales Training Managers, are In-house or Third-Party Training Solutions Better?

Sales training managers are responsible for procuring and managing solutions to improve the selling skills of their employees. While books and videos are very useful, sales training managers also need a formal sales training curriculum led by one or more live instructors. This leads to a choice: either they develop a completely in-house program which Sales Training Managers, are In-house or Third-Party Training Solutions Better?