Private Sales Coaching versus Corporate Sales Training Programs: Pros and Cons

When deciding which sales training firm to hire, sales managers and executives also need

to decide whether they favor formal corporate sales training programs or whether private coaching is best. Each has its benefits and drawbacks, depending on the situation, so let’s explore a few factors which should be taken into consideration.

Which Skills Need Improvement?

While private sales coaching can be used to nail down specific problem areas for a particular trainee, corporate sales training programs can be broader in their approach. When training large groups, it might be better to target fundamental aspects of the selling process, like presenting and closing, as most people can improve in these areas and group interest can be held.

To handle a particular weakness, such as an inability to develop rapport due to a personality flaw, or problems with time management, private sales coaching is probably a better choice. In contrast with corporate sales training programs, the private setting can encourage the salesperson or executive to open up more, allowing the coach to better address the root of the problem.

New Arrivals

The best salespeople have a pool of various skills and experience, but new employees always require time to get current on a company’s products and practices. We always have more to learn at the beginning, whereas specific skills may need to be adjusted for when we become more experienced sellers. Because of this, corporate sales training programs may be more beneficial to new arrivals who have the most to learn in general areas of expertise, while private sales coaching may be more cost-effective used with experienced sellers who simply require work in a single area of expertise or want to take their results and income to the next level.

Private sales coaching requires less time commitment, whereas corporate sales training programs usually take place over several days. New arrivals tend to have more time for this extended training time, while busy salespeople usually dread taking time out to train, leaning more towards private coaching.

Firm Size

The size of your company can be another factor in the decision. Private sales coaching can be a more viable option for smaller companies that aren’t able to afford to invest in large corporate sales training, but more than likely you’ll be spending more per person trained. Large corporate sales training programs can save larger firms money and get more people up to speed quicker.


In order to find out whether or not private sales coaching is producing better results than corporate sales training programs in your firm, one useful metric is salesperson retention. Keep tabs on whether private coaching is keeping your salespeople happy and with your firm. If there is a discernible difference, it might be more cost effective to pay more for private coaching now and avoid the often crushing costs of salesperson turnover later on.

Asher Strategies offers both methodologies, and we would be glad to offer an unbiased opinion as to which option is best for your organization. Contact us today.


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