Sales Playbook: 10 Key Items to Include

A master salesperson never stops learning; he refines and adapts his techniques to be ready for any situation and prospect. However, the basic and best practices of top salespeople can be learned early and should be collected and distributed to a sales team in the form of a sales playbook.

Every sales department leader should direct his sales team to compile its own playbook.  Such a book serves as a quick reference guide for the most necessary sales strategies to remember. A playbook is not theory; it identifies what practical tasks a salesperson should complete and what specific techniques to use for any task.

A team can have one universal playbook or a playbook for special campaigns.  Discussing and debating the most essential principles to include in a playbook can generate beneficial dialogue and self-evaluation among any group of salespeople.

Here are 10 types of information to include in any playbook:

1.       Sales Process Overview

An overview of the repeatable behaviors that comprise the company’s official sales process should be prominent at the beginning of the sales playbook, preferably in diagram or infographic form for quick perusal. Aspects of the process can be illuminated in-depth in subsequent sections.

 2.       Lead Cultivation

A sales playbook should define the ideal prospect(s) for a given campaign.  Tips on how to qualify or score the prospect according to a set of established criteria should be given, along with suggestions for nurturing the prospect relationship. In addition, templates for researching, communicating and devising an action plan for prospects should be included.

3.       Scripts.

Whether for cold calling, emails or follow-up conversations, the playbook should contain various scripts to guide the salesperson in his interaction with prospects during different stages of the relationship.

4.       Value Building

One of the most important aspects of selling is knowing how to create value for the customer. Value will vary depending on prospect, as each prospect will need and be persuaded by different factors, whether it be customer service, exclusive research, customization, special access, etc. A playbook can advise salespeople on how to match values to different types of prospects and business scenarios.

5.       Conversion Tips

While scripts will suggest a limited number of techniques for closings and calls to action, a special section on conversion should be included for more extensive insight. Closing properly is a crucial phase of the sales process and involves the most challenge.  The playbook can provide examples for negotiating and tackling the most common forms of customer resistance and obstacles.

6.       Leveraging Buyer Personalities

This section should include a chart of prototypical buyer personalities, how to recognize them and specific actions or language salespeople can use to mirror or appeal to those personalities.

7.       Brand Messaging

This section of the playbook can list the primary sales and marketing messages connected with specific products, campaigns and the overall brand.

8.       Product Reference Sheet

A review of crucial product information, packaged as talking points, specifications, benefits and uses should be included.

9.       Competitors’ reference sheet

A comparison and contrast of products offered by competitors should be listed since prospects will be fully aware of other offerings and will be considering them as alternative options.

10.   Customer Relationship Management  (CRM) system directions

With so many features, CRM software can be very complicated. The sales playbook should simplify what specific and limited data a salesperson should enter into the CRM software after a phone call or meeting with a prospect.  This will ensure efficient company-wide record-keeping and synchronization.

Playbooks can be printed in hard copy. However, digital .pdf formats are even better; they allow the inclusion of PowerPoint slideshows and links. Digital versions can also be shared or carried easily in a salesperson’s tablet, smartphone or laptop.  Compiling and consistently using a playbook can help a sales team make the most of opportunities and resources.


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