Stop talking and start listening!

Even though it may seem like the conversation between you and your buyer is an equal give-and-take, you’re probably talking too much. Start using your ears and you’ll see results like you’ve never seen. Take it straight from the buyer: according to Amacon, 95% of buyers think you talk too much. But there’s still hope! 74% of buyers said they would be much more likely to buy if you simply listen to them.

So what does this tell you? You need a brush up on your listening techniques:

  • When the buyer is talking, instead of thinking “how am I going to respond to this?” or “what do I think about this person?” start concentrating on what the buyer is really saying and the real issue at hand.
  • Start taking notes! This shows the buyer that you feel that their words are worth listening to. This will give them confidence to confide more in you. Writing down your notes will give you “20/20” hearing and keep you from missing anything.
    • Even though you’ll be busy writing things down, try to keep eye contact to maintain that personal connection
    • Write in bullet form
    • Only jot down customer’s needs
    • Pay particular attention to action itself, questions and special requests
  • Before offering solutions, repeat their requests to them. This will drill in the fact that you were closely listening and you know what is best for them.

Once you have exhibited and undergone complete focus on the other person and their issues, taken notes, and summarized to set an agreement – your buyer will know that you respect their needs.


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