Closing Sales Techniques – 25 Key Ideas from Close Deals Faster

As our fast-paced world becomes even more hectic, it pays to be able to close deals faster, before the buyer decides to go elsewhere for the next shiny-new offering. This means the sales process has to be streamlined so all actions move the buyer forward. This book helps you do just that.

In the following post, I will be providing the 10 key ideas the book is built around, plus provide a synopsis of the 15 shortcuts themselves. You can print this out and hang it up as a checklist when working on deals. If you review these daily, you will close deals faster.

10 Key Ideas and Top Selling Skills in Close Deals Faster.

  1. Focus on a Few Top Prospects

Money flows where focus goes.

  1. Thoroughly Research Prospects and their Organizations Prior to First Contact

In a globalized, Internet based economy, there is no excuse for a salesperson not to have done thorough research on the buyer and their company prior to the first meeting.

  1. Use Insiders to Fully Understand Prospects and Their Requirements

It is too easy to get into a large company with an insider (coach), and too hard without one.

  1. Sell Yourself by Building Rapport

When we meet in person, most of our first impressions are formed based on our appearance.

  1. Ask the Right Questions, Listen, and Guide the Conversation

To operate at an elite level as a sales professional you must be a “perfect” listener.

6.    Use Powerful Marketing Messages

Powerful Marketing Messages Are Designed to Allay the Buyer’s Three Principal Concerns. Risk of failure, ROI, and making the best choice possible.

7.   Act as a Business Consultant and Expertly Handle Objections

Twenty-five percent of the B2B and B2G buyers buy based on just price and availability (commodity sales). Seventy-five percent of the buyers buy based on overall value; a combination of quality, a reasonable price and great follow-on service.

8.    Recognize When the Buyer is Ready to Buy (Buyer’s Shift) and Know How to Close the Sale

Closing occurs constantly during the sales process. Always close the next step.

9.    Build Long-Term Relationships with the New Customers

A great customer feedback process provides a goldmine of opportunity.

10.    Ask for Referrals

Average salespeople never ask for referrals.

And now here are the 15 shortcuts and brief synopsis of each.

The 15 Shortcuts of the Asher Sales Method in Close Deals Faster

  1. 1.       Use networking technology to prospect for new business

LinkedIn and other online business portals can provide a wealth of leads.

  1. 2.       Qualify leads quickly and give sufficient quality touches

Plan at least 12 touches per lead.

  1. 3.       Use all available websites and social media to research prospects and their companies

Know more about your buyer to establish rapport quicker and close deals faster.

  1. 4.       Turn prospects into buyers by challenging them to improve their companies with new technologies

Many companies are especially behind in automation tools. What can you propose?

  1. 5.       Go after opportunities where you have an insider


Who do you know who can provide information or an introduction?


  1. 6.       If you don’t have insiders, use social media and business partners to get them

Most people are willing to help if you mention a mutual connection.

  1. 7.       Match/mirror personality styles with prospects to quickly build relationships


Fast talkers want you to speed up, thoughtful buyers want you to slow down.


  1. 8.       Use neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) techniques to gain the buyer’s confidence

Pay attention to body language and match it.

  1. 9.       Build positive first impressions with social media and appearance techniques

People make a judgement in microseconds. Make sure it’s a good one by being groomed and presentable.

  1. 10.   Know how to get buyers to talk about their professional, technical or business interests

Ask questions about mutual connections or interests to break the ice.

  1. 11.   Use the three closing sales techniques to be the “perfect listener”


a)      Totally focus on the buyer’s point of view.

b)      Ask permission to take notes and take notes.

c)       Summarize the buyer’s needs and repeat back to get agreement.


  1. 12.   Use business case analysis/return on investment data (why the buyer should fund this activity)

Answer the “What’s in it for me?” question in your presentation.

  1. 13.   Develop ghosting discriminators (why the buyer should choose you and not your competitor)

Plays up your strengths while pointing out your competitors’ weakness, without naming them directly.

  1. 14.   Know how to overcome objections (feel/felt/found)

Sample: “I see that you feel our delivery times are too slow. Some of our current customers felt that way at first also. After a while, they found that cost savings were worth a slight delay.

  1. 15.   Use the six closing principles

1. You cannot close until the buyer is ready to buy.

2. Most buyers will almost never close themselves, even when they’re ready.

3. The combination of the conversation and the buyer’s body language tells you when the buyer is ready (buyer’s shift).

4. Buyers want a definitive closing proposal.

5. Once you make the offer, be silent until the buyer responds.

6. Once the buyer has agreed, QUIT TALKING ABOUT THE DEAL!


Ready to take your sales into the stratosphere with winning and proven closing sales techniques? Buy Close Deals Faster: The 15 Shortcuts of the Asher Sales Method published by IdeaPress and available on Amazon.


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