Our top ten closing approaches

You’ve recognized the buyer’s shift and you’re at the closing point…. now what? Remember that closing is simply helping the prospect make a decision. The progression of ideas that both you and your prospect have shared has lead to this moment. Make sure to handle this portion of the sale with the utmost amount of sympathy, knowing that making a decision is always a bit scary. Decision-making induces a lot of fear and it’s a big step, so show the buyer that you acknowledge the big step they are making.

After all needs have been discussed and solutions have been proposed, it’s your role to bring the discussion to the close. There are many ways to go about the close, but here are our top ten closing approaches:
1. Direct: Direct accounts for 50% of closes. Use a straight shooting statement that makes the prospect feel comfortable to seal the deal. Point out that you have a perfect match for what they need; show what you can offer and ask, “Would you like to go ahead with this?”
2. Assumptive: This close will come into play when you have a strong sense that the buyer wants to buy but doesn’t know how to say it. Lay out the scenario and propose a way of action.
3. Alternative: Ask a question that implies that they will be buying with you. Talk about what product/service will be bought rather than whether or not they will be closing with you.
4. Recommend: If you feel that you have a foundation of trust with your client or customer, offer them a recommended course of action.
5. Pilot project close: If you feel that the entire project may be a bit too much, select one small portion and pitch it to begin with. This will allow you to establish a relationship at smaller risk for the client, and then grow to the full project.
6. When or If: If your buyer presents an objection, don’t loose them. Feel free to present a modified solution for the product or service.
7. Timeline Technique: Offer the prospect options in terms of timeline. Let them know what a typical timeline would look like and offer them a quicker project if you’re comfortable with it.
8. Test it out first: Many prospects will seek proof before they close. In this situation the client agrees to use a small portion of your service on a pro bono service. Make sure to get a commitment with this service though; if the demo goes through, be thoroughly involved so as to monitor the post service.
9. Window of opportunity: Your friendly car dealer has this technique mastered. Show the client that if they don’t buy quickly, the opportunity may be lost.
10. Return-on-investment: Demonstrate how lucrative the initial investment will be.

After the close is complete, stop selling. Recognize that buyers are busy and don’t sabotage the sale. Most untrained salespeople will loose the sale by talking too much. What you should do is use your words wisely and assure the buyer that they made the right choice. Buyer’s remorse may set in so make sure to reiterate the solidity of the agreement. For more information on what to do when at the closing point, contact us today.


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