Killer Arguments

One of the most successful marketing messages that your company can utilize is the “done it before” approach. This message has been developed over the years by top marketers and is successful because it allows you to honestly differentiate yourself from the competition, while answering logistical questions.

The best way to reduce possible risk in the buyer’s mind is by showing them that you have solved their problem before. If a buyer is facing a potential problem, you have to understand that they are going to be extra careful about who they go with because of the higher stakes. If you can prove to the buyer that you solved this exact same problem in your past, you will offer them unparalleled peace of mind.

If you have the opportunity to put their hesitation to rest (by sharing a similar success story), take it. Trouble is, you usually haven’t before. An average salesperson will quickly respond with something around the likes of “We haven’t done this before but…” However a top salesperson will take one or all of these 5 actions:

  1. Partner with other organizations that have qualified experience with the problem at hand
  2. Translate something that they have done that is similar to aiding the need
  3. Reach out to Senior Level individuals that have solved the problem in a previous organization. Keep in mind that people give business to people
  4. Use all resources as part of your selling proposition (i.e. contractors, suppliers, vendors)
  5. If you can’t utilize any of these resources, communicate that you have instilled a time-tested process that will ensure success.

These strategies will encourage you to structure your team so that you are the only credible provider. To learn more about how to make a killer argument, give us a call today.



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