3 Tips to Increase your B2B Sales Team’s Productivity With Technology

B2BAdvertising-e1375477332536With Q3 well underway, B2B sales managers are looking for ways to close out the rest of the year in the strongest way possible.

Pep talks, BBQ get-togethers, and contests can only do so much. To really move the needle and drive the maximum amount of revenue possible you have to change the way you do things. Fortunately, there is a lot of technology to help these days.

Here are 3 pieces of technology you can use to drive your sales team improvement.

1.       Heatmaps & Recordings

Do you wonder why your B2B visitors are failing to convert on your website? Would you love to be able to see exactly what they do when they arrive to your landing pages? I am not talking about Google analytics here, I mean seeing where they click, where they move their mouse, and how much of each page are they actually viewing?

With tools like Hotjar, you can do exactly that. All you do is install a simple script on your website, and the product produces a graphical heatmap of what your visitors do, including where they click and move the most . There is even a even session recording feature which enables you to see exactly what your visitors do from the beginning to end of their visit to a page — as if you were watching them live. Other features include setting up conversion funnel tracking, visitor survey popups, polls, and more. Oh, and the best thing is that you can get started for free.

With this tool, you can optimize your website and drive more viable leads to your sales team.

2.       CPQ

Our next recommendation in sales team improvement involves testing. If you want the best people on your sales team, you have to know what your applicants they are made of. Enter the Craft Personality Questionnaire (CPQ). This 75 Question exam pinpoints the strengths and weaknesses of your current and potential employees as they relate to various sales positions — from outside sales specialists to sales managers to marketing roles.

Once test results are in, you can choose those most likely to be top producers, as well as coach everyone else on being more productive.

3.       Live Streaming

You may have already heard of Periscope and Meerkat. Or perhaps you are more familiar with older streaming technology such as UStream, Bambuser, or Livestream. Regardless of the specific platform, live streaming is IN, and tons of audiences are flocking to watch streams of people doing everything from cooking to travelling to making sales presentations. Live streaming is social media on steroids, because everything is live and immediate and shareable.

You can foster sales team improvement by encouraging your sales staff to engage with prospects on these streaming solutions. They can do private broadcasts one on one with hot leads, or do general public broadcasts to get people intrigued.

As this technology is rather new, there is plenty of room to stake your claim in the live streaming space. Imagine if you were told about how incredible LinkedIn, YouTube,  and Twitter would be for B2B salespeople when they first launched and you had established a strong foothold back then — well I am telling you this now regarding live streaming. Don’t wait!

Hope these tips help! If you have any others you would like to share, please comment below.


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