Revolutionize your Customer Feedback Processes with Asher Sales Consulting Services

A shift in many sales organizations has occurred in recent years, transforming them from product-oriented companies to customer-focused ones. This change has produced new technology, such as CRM software, and has also expanded the need for sales consulting services to train sales teams to succeed in this new environment.

In product-oriented companies, the product, features, and benefits are king. Sales also tend to be more transactional in nature, and many products become commoditized — with price and customer service being the main differentiators.

In customer-focused companies, the customer’s needs take paramount importance, and sales are geared towards providing solutions as a trusted advisor or partner in the customer’s business. Relationships take precedence over individual transactions in this type of company.

Sales consulting services and their client companies should be focused on the latter approach, as this has shown to be a more effective way to sell business-to-business.

The advantages of customer-centric companies

Being focused on your customers rather than your products has several benefits:

  • Loyalty. Customer-focused companies use relationship-based selling, which has been proven to foster loyalty among customers. They tend to come back for more business and forgive small mistakes in return for the stability of having a trusted vendor who acts as a partner.
  • Less price objections. Customer-centric companies that deliver superior service are rewarded with less price objections, due to the superior perceived value of doing business with them.
  • Cross-selling and up-selling. The value of taking care of loyal customers cannot be overstated, as they will trust your recommendations for other products, upgrades to their existing service plans, etc. They will also refer more business to you.

How to get customer feedback

Let’s explore how we can work together to transform your sales and customer-feedback functions for better profits. Contact us today to get started.


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