Sales Training Program – How to Choose The Best B2B Training

You have just decided that you want to invest in your employees, and you want to award them with a top-notch B2B sales training program. If you search up sales training programs on the internet, you’ll get thousands of results. How do you know where to start? How do you know which programs are worth the money and which ones are a waste of money?

Buying the right B2B sales training program can be a lot like buying a used car. You can be tricked into buying something that wasn’t what was advertised. A lot of programs claim they are credible and the best on the market, when really it’s just a sly salesman trying to con you for some quick cash. Like a used car, you want a sales training program that will work long term. You’ve paid too much for your sales reps to forget everything they’ve learned in a month. You also want your sales training program to be right for you. Everyone has sat in a car, while shopping where the seat doesn’t feel right, the center console feels weird, and you don’t like how the inside looks. That car may be great for someone else, but it isn’t for you. For the money you’re spending on training or a car, you need to find something that you love.

So how do you find the B2B sales training program that you and your reps will love? These are the key things that you should look for when picking the right sales training program.

Teaching the psychology of selling

 Closing a deal and the sales negotiation process is all about human interaction. Everyone has different processes, motivations, and goals when going through the sales process. There are different kinds of buyers the same way there are different kinds of sellers. A strong sales training program should give you lessons in sales psychology. This will prepare your reps to sell to all kinds of different buyers.

Coaching vs Lecturing

 We have all had that one teacher that stands in front of the class and lectures for an hour. Nobody paid attention and nobody really learned anything. As your B2B selling skills grow, you don’t need a course that just spits information at you. You need to learn via hands-on experience. Listening to someone tell you generic tips that aren’t even industry-specific will only take you so far. Find a training program that gives your team industry custom-made, industry-specific help.

Flexibility is the best ability

 As mentioned in the car analogy you want sales training that feels right for you. You want a sales training program aimed to help you achieve your specific goals and needs as a company. Maybe these are strictly revenue goals or more specific goals like reaching a new market demographic. Either way, it is important to take the time to find a B2B sales training program that aligns with the goals of the company.

You get what you pay for

 There often seems to be this flawed idea that providing sales training is just an afterthought aspect of managing sales reps. This can lead to managers deciding just to go with a cheap, easy-to-implement, online sales training. Remember if you don’t take providing sales training seriously, your reps aren’t going to take completing it seriously. High-quality sales training is what separates the companies that hit their revenue goals year after year and the ones that don’t. B2B sales training isn’t actually an expense, it’s an investment.


As the best sales training company, we have already created a top-tier B2B sales training and coaching program that will provide you with everything you learned above. Find it on our website or, contact us at (202) 469-7489 to learn more.


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