Professional Sales Training and Sales Coaching from Asher Strategies

Sales Coaching is effective and efficient way to grow a sales team?

At Asher Strategies we believe – after years of studying what distinguishes the top 4% of sales people – that the ability to access natural talent absolutely is one of the abilities a Sales Team Developer must possess.

Yet we’ve also found that many sales team leaders live with the professional (yet unfounded) assumption that the top flight talent out there is innate, and that nothing can be done to develop sales skills.

“Either you have it or you don’t!”- A Professional Sales Training is a must.

This unfounded assumption leads to the inevitable belief that Sales Team Coaching is all about hiring and firing until you get the team you want.

This “turnover approach” places the burden of performance solely on the sales staff, rather than the sales team leaders.

  • This archaic model is inefficient.
  • It leads to an HR nightmare.
  • It neglects the responsibility of sales team development.
  • And it assumes that natural ability is all that matters in sales.

Asher Strategies learned not only is sales coaching possible, but with a professional sales training, it is inarguably the most effective and efficient way to grow a sales team.

We firmly believe a true sales team developer takes the same sort of responsibility that a great sports coach has.

Yes, the pieces of the team ought to be selected carefully to make sure the team is made of members who possess the internal makeup giving the individual sales team member a chance at success. (In fact, we endorse an Aptitude Test to help distinguish the natural talent from those who are unfortunately lack the DNA for the profession.)

But to believe that the work ends with team member selection is both dismissive and irresponsible. There absolutely is work to be done beyond simple team member selection, and Asher Strategies realizes professional B2B sales training development is essential to the process of creating a high performing sales team.

In fact, our founder has gone as far as structuring the following Hierarchy of Sales Success:

The 5 Factors of Sales Success

  • Product Knowledge – learned
  • Sales Aptitude – in the DNA
  • Selling Skills – learned
  • Processes – developed
  • Motivation – internal

You will notice that the hierarchy suggests the obvious, that talent is innate (Sales Aptitude – in the DNA); however, it also suggests that of the five factors, four can be responsibly addressed through sales coaching.

In fact the constant turnover of salesmen in order to hopefully land one of the “naturals” every now and again is to dismiss the ability to condition your sales team members who possess Sales Aptitude, yet lack some of the essential learned skills that go into creating a great team member.

The years of study, top sales training programs, and experience conducted by our CEO and founder, John Asher, have led to two simple, yet effective principles in which the company has been founded.

The following two principles stand as pillars in which Asher Strategies is founded:

Pillar One: The Craft Personality Questionnaire can discern those with Sales Aptitude from those without. (This is essential to the hiring process, and alone can save companies a fortune in training the wrong people.)

Pillar Two: A sales team, once put into place, can be developed and honed just as a great football coach can condition a sound group of individuals into a high caliber team.

Asher Strategies has proven sales teams are developed with coaching techniques, as well as an ability to make good choices upon hiring.

Asher Strategies sales consulting services caters to both of these needs.

We work to develop sales strategies that improve sales, decrease turnover, and cultivate sales team morale.

And we do it all with the bottom line in mind.

Contact us today to discover exactly how we can help your organization increase sales!


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