Want Double Digit Growth? –A Pre-Employment Aptitude Assessment

Aptitude tests have been used for decades to assist companies in growing their teams. The pre-employment aptitude assessment saves a company time, energy, money, and more importantly, ensures the hire is the best suited for the job.

 This article will explain why aptitude assessments are vital for any business serious about transforming their sales team.

Lack of Aptitude is Contagious

Hiring the wrong employee is a legitimate fear that many B2B sales managers and executives have. It is not only the new employee’s performance that will be lackluster —lack of aptitude is recognizable by other team members and may negatively impact the team’s performance if not properly screened for with a pre-employment aptitude assessment. A clear example of this occurs when a professional sports team drafts an outstanding athlete who does not work well with the team, and is therefore unable to produce wins.

A successful team of sales representatives is comprised of different parts that cohesively join for a successful outcome. When one of the team’s working parts is disrupted due to an employee lacking natural aptitude it may result in an entire team let-down.

Consequences of not using a pre-employment aptitude assessment may consist of:

  • Longer recruitment processes
  • Wasted money and time on interviewing/training
  • Higher turnover rates
  • Reduced job satisfaction

Validity of Aptitude Testing

It has been found that sales teams whose members score better on an aptitude test are more efficient and grow faster. Using a pre-employment aptitude assessment also helps to wean out potential job candidates that, even though individually skilled, would likely clash with existing personnel. For example, trying to blend someone with a high ego drive into a group of nurturers might be cause for concern.

Once aptitude tests are administered and results are examined, you can draft the most suitable “players” possible, which will increase productivity and team harmony.

After working with thousands of real-world cases, we can confidently say that using aptitude tests result in:

  • Stronger team unity
  • Faster sales growth
  • Better understanding of employee strengths and weaknesses

Which Aptitude Test Should I Use?

Asher Strategies works with many companies interested in reinventing their sales departments. We use a pre-employment aptitude assessment called the Craft Personality Questionnaire, comprised of 75 multiple-choice questions that are used to score eight personality characteristics that are vital for sales growth.

Those eight scores are then plotted on a chart that reveals the optimal ranges for each sales role and points to where that individual is most likely to succeed in a sales organization. It provides a granular view of a test taker’s  attitudes, and also provides extensive coaching tips to help him or her “stretch” their weak points into more acceptable ranges.

In short, increase your bottom line with the CPQ. Thousands have found it to be invaluable because it simplifies the hiring process and is also a great coaching tool for continued training purposes.

For more information about how aptitude testing can transform your company and bottom line, please drop us a line any time for a free consultation.



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