Tips for Remember What You Learn in the Best Sales Training Seminars

A lot of dollars are spent on the best sales training seminars every year by countless companies. And while many salespeople go on to achieve exemplary results after their sessions, many also struggle to remember and apply what they learned on the job months later.

The key to solving this is to reinforce the training. Without doing so, even the best sales training seminar will fail to deliver the full ROI obtainable from it. In fact, it is estimated that 80 percent of the effectiveness of training is turning new skills into best practice habits.

Here are some tips to help you reinforce and remember the money-making information you invested time and money in acquiring from Asher Strategies.


If you get annoyed with salespeople doodling during meetings because you think they aren’t paying attention, you might want to reconsider. An article in the Wall Street Journal explains that “doodling can help people stay focused,  grasp new concepts and retain information.”

Doodling the concepts being taught during sales training itself will help retain that information, such as roughly illustrating the steps in a sales process. Surprisingly, research indicates that even doodling abstract designs or items unrelated to the material being learned can also help retention.


For those who don’t like to draw or doodle, another option is to model or demonstrate concepts you learned in your sales training workshops with small objects lying around their desks. Pen caps, paper clips, rubber bands, wadded up pieces of paper, candy – all these can be used to represent items in the material being learned. When students assign a pink eraser as being a prospect, their coffee mug as the salesperson, and a bunch of thumbtacks as objections to be cleared away – something magical happens. It takes the concepts out of the realm of pure abstraction and places them into the physical world, and this helps both clarify and retain information.

While it might seem silly at first, as it feels like you are playing with toys, think about how engaged you were while doing so as a kid. Modelling can help you leverage this engagement through your imagination while learning at any age.

Video Reinforcement

Available on YouTube, ASHER Selling Skills videos are abbreviated versions of the sales skills taught by John Asher and Senior Trainer Kyla O’ Connell in the top Ten Sales Skills Seminar. Watching one or more of them at the beginning of every sales meeting will remind you to apply them during the upcoming week. Even if you haven’t attended one of our best sales training seminars, these videos provide nuggets of sales wisdom – absolutely free!

Here is a sample:


Webinars to reinforce the best sales training seminars are very cost effective methods of reinforcing sales skills because your entire team can sit in on them for one fixed price.

At Asher, we offer a menu of interactive, one-hour webinars which our clients attend every month. Here is a typical schedule for one of our sales training seminars:

Webinar #1 – Reconnect/The Five Factor Review

  • The Five Factors of Sales Success

  • Focus on the importance of the CPQ and Emotional Intelligence

  • Focus on prospecting

  • Time management on revenue generating activity

  • Prioritizing, organizing, strategizing a plan, follow up

Webinar #2 – Creating an APQ Culture

  • Creating a APQ Culture where strengths and weaknesses are evaluated and constantly coached and worked on to improve.

Webinar #3 – Top Ten Selling Skills – Skill 1: Focus on Top Prospects

  • Focus on Top Prospects

  • Develop a qualification process for new prospects

  • Update your LinkedIn profile and get on a higher level

Webinar #4 – Top Ten Selling Skills – Skill 2: Use Coaches to fully understand customer requirements

  • Use Coaches (insiders) to fully understand customer requirements.

  • Identify COACHES for your Top Prospects

  • Identify your matching and mirroring skills

Webinar #5:  Top Ten Selling Skills – Skill 3: Research Prior to First Contact and Skill 4: Building Rapport

  • Learn to research prior to first contact

  • Develop a solution for buyers based on “The Challenger Sale”

  • Ask friends and colleagues to assess your appearance/first impression when meeting prospects

Webinar #6 – Top Ten Selling Skills – Skill 5: Ask Questions and Listen to Guide the Conversation

  • Develop questions to uncover needs and listen to guide the conversation

Webinar #7 – Top Ten Selling Skills: Skill 6: Use Appropriate Marketing Messages

  • Develop appropriate marketing messages for your offerings

Webinar #8 – Top Ten Selling Skills: Skill 7: Be a Business Consultant and Solution Provider

  • Used Ghosting Discriminators when highlighting your company’s’ strengths to a customer.

  • Learn to be a business consultant and solution provider rather than be transactional.

  • Create and practice strategic responses to your most common objections

  • Initiate a customer feedback survey to ask your price driven customers how you may add more value and therefore, turn them into Value Buyers.

Webinar #9 – Top Ten Selling Skills: Skill 8: Recognize the Buyer’s Shift and Close the Sale

  • Recognize the Buyer’s Shift and close the sale

  • Practice observing body language in meetings to detect negative (closed) and positive (open) posturing.

  • Select new closing approaches you will use to move opportunities to the next step in the sales process.

Webinar #10 – Top Ten Selling Skills: Skill 9: Build Long Term Relationships

  • Focus on building long term relationships

  • Identify something “Extra” to start giving to customers.

  • Use the Opportunity Chart to uncover new services you could be selling to your current clients.

  • Call your top customers and schedule a Customer Feedback Survey Session.

Webinar #11 – Top Ten Selling Skills: Skill 10: Ask for Referrals

  • Focus on ways to smoothly ask for referrals

  • Identify people you can ask for a referral, and those you can give a referral to.

  • Ask referral sources to be your coach and help you qualify the opportunity.

Webinar #12 – Open

Customized Sales Coaching

For maximum reinforcement, nothing beats one-on-one sales coaching for your sales manager or high-potential salespeople. Our monthly sales coaching consists of one half-day meeting on-site at your company, followed up by email and phone contacts throughout the month as needed. You get highly personal attention and  laser-targeted focus on improving your weak skills and bolstering your strengths.

Reinforcement is critical to apply the data learned at the best sales training seminars. For pricing on our webinars and customized sales coaching, please contact one of our training reinforcement specialists at (866) 833-9939.


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