CPQ Advantages over the DISC Assessment

A whopping 35 percent of salespeople working today are completely unsuitable for their jobs.


Because they simply do not possess the one thing which cannot be taught: a natural aptitude for sales.

This means one out of three people working in your own sales department is holding back your revenue in a big way, and despite all the training and pep talk you care to subject them to, will likely never amount to anything as salespeople.

That is hard to swallow, I know. Especially since you likely had a say in hiring them.

Fortunately, aptitude testing can turn things around by identifying who needs to be moved to a more suitable job role, informing you of which new applicants are likeliest to make the grade, and alerting you to diamonds in the rough who you should invest more training, turning them into superstars.

The DISC Assessment

The DISC Assessment is the #1 selling aptitude test on the market today.

The problem with it is that it is not the best one to use for sales jobs.

It is also not fully vetted, meaning that large-scale correlation studies do not exist to prove that job performance is predictable through the test.

Advantages of the CPQ

At Asher, we advocate use of the Craft Personality Questionnaire (CPQ), and not the DISC Assessment for testing salespeople and managers.

Here is what you need to know in a nutshell:

  • The CPQ identifies and scores 8 key personality traits using 75 questions

o Goal Orientation
o Need for Control
o Social Confidence
o Social Drive
o Detail Orientation
o Good Impression
o Need to Nurture
o Skepticism

  • The reports are very easy to read and interpret
  • Strengths and blind spots are associated with specific coaching recommendations to the sales job role; i.e. leadership vs. sales vs. admin
  • Excels at matching personality traits to sales-specific positions based on compatibility
  • Trusted experience and validation as a hiring tool for over 30 years
  • More than a million administered tests
  • Legally safe as a hiring selection tool under the EEOC and other laws.

When it comes to selecting sales personnel, there is no better tool than the CPQ. To find out how you can get started testing your people today, please contact us. You can have your first test results within 30 minutes.


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