Five Factors that make a Winning Sales Training Consultant

Hiring a sales training consultant is one of the best decisions any company can make. If it is struggling with revenue, training might be the pivotal factor in turning things around. And if it is already doing a fair amount of business, then sales might go into the stratosphere with a properly trained sales force.

At Asher Strategies, we have identified five factors which are common in the majority of the sales training superstars we have either worked with or observed. We have ensured our trainers also possess these qualities so that when you hire us, you are getting top-notch training.

1. Experience in Sales

The most important thing I can think of in order to be an effective sales training consultant is having “in the trenches” experience. Otherwise, it is nearly impossible to instruct with any semblance of reality and difficult to relate to the salespeople being taught new skills.

Especially noteworthy are trainers who have started their own businesses and run them successfully, as they have the unique viewpoint of an entrepreneur — which cannot really be taught in a classroom but is only earned through navigating the travails of the startup experience.

2. They Have a Natural Aptitude for Training

Not all salespeople or sales managers can train others in sales. It requires patience, the ability to step in another’s shoes, and a knack for communicating ideas clearly so others can understand and accept them.

Another part of this is being able to motivate students towards actually using the material, rather than just robotically repeating it.

3. They use a formal sales training process

Very few professional sales training consultants just “wing it.” In fact, I would say none of the truly great ones do. They are as prepared to consult salespeople on how to sell better as they are prepared to advise customers on million-dollar purchases.

This does not mean they are inflexible or rote. For example, at Asher Strategies we use a formal curriculum, but we adjust based on the experience level of the class, the industry, and the known trouble spots of the businesses we are training at the time.

4. They Train Towards Application

The top trainers get their clients to actually do something with the material being taught. The entire point of training is to get results in the real world, not just in the classroom or conference.

As such, role playing , demonstrations, and working live deals are invaluable training aids and should be adopted whenever possible.

5. They are Lifelong Students of Selling

One final characteristic I have noticed in the top sales training consultants is that they never stop learning. They are avid students of anything remotely related to sales, including psychology, marketing theories, social media, software — in short, anything which can provide a competitive advantage in the marketplace. My own curriculum was based on the study of over 300 books on selling, and I am always searching for new information to complement the sales basics that I teach.

For your next sales training investment, consider the professionals at Asher Strategies. With over 70,000 sales professionals trained using our system, we can confidently say we can produce excellent results for your firm.

Contact us today for a free evaluation.


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