The 3 Simplest Closes Sales Training Seminars Should Teach

best sales training seminars man writingSome sales people have turned closing into an art form. They seem to dance with prospects, rather than try to beat them into submission. They ask the right questions, artfully – maybe even seductively– steering the conversation towards the mutual agreement we call the close.

The key for salespeople to get to this level is knowing their closes cold. Sales training seminars are great ways to learn closes, but it requires quite a bit of practice to avoid fumbling around at the critical moment. So, simplicity is best.

Here are three of the simplest, no frill closes sales training seminars should be teaching in no particular order.

NOTE: the names of these closes vary depending on the sales trainer who is teaching them. The names don’t really matter, so don’t take offense if you are used to calling one something else.

Are you ready to move forward?

The simplest close is to ask for the sale when it seems the buyer is ready. Saying something such as “Okay, do you want it?” or “Sign here and we can get started” might be too brusque and scare off the buyer.

A better way to ask the same thing is “Are you ready to move forward?” If the buyer is sold, it will be very hard for them to say no, since that would imply they would rather stay still or move backwards, wouldn’t it? Moving forward has positive connotations, such as progress, advancement, success and this close taps into that.

What will it take? Close

Sales training seminars should teach this close to everyone, because it’s so easy and it combines well with the other closes. Sometimes you have to try a couple of closes, and this one is a great choice if the first one fails to get the “yes.”

Salesperson: “I think I’ve covered every base here, so are you ready to move forward?

Buyer: “Not sure yet.”

Salesperson: “Okay. What will it take to get you to commit today?”

Buyer: “Can you drop the price $500”

Salesperson: “I don’t have the authority to do that, but if I show you how this will save you way more than $500 in the long run, it would be hard to refuse right?

Buyer: “Sure”

Salesperson: “So let me show you….”

You get the idea.

Assumptive Close

Salesperson assumes the buyer has already bought, and asks a question which confirms they are going ahead.

Salesperson:“So, how do you plan to pay for this? We take cashier checks, credit cards, or can set up terms if your credit qualifies.”

Buyer: “We would use a credit card if we decide to buy this”

Salesperson: “Excellent, let me get the paperwork ready. May I see the card?


Salesperson: “Will you be ready to take delivery immediately? We have a driver ready”

Buyer: “I haven’t decided to buy yet, so I don’t know if I want to answer that.”

Salesperson: “Gotcha. Well what will it take to get you to move forward today?” (see how well it fits?)

The above are three of the absolute simplest closes. The wording can be adjusted to fit each salesperson’s personality, but avoid the temptation to complicate them.

Want to learn more closes? One of our sales training seminars might be headed to a venue near you! Check our sales training schedule.


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