Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

EQ, or Emotional Intelligence, is a hot topic among sales leaders. Word has spread that when it comes to sales success, EQ trumps IQ. This makes the identification of those with natural EQ, and its development in those who lack it, important tasks to boost the effectiveness of any sales team. A pre-employment assessment, such Chapter 5 – Sales Emotional Intelligence

So, you’ve hired one or more new salespeople who show tremendous promise and now it’s your job to settle them in and provide some elementary training. Where do you start? The  sales profession can take many years to master. There are hundreds of very worthwhile books on the subject, endless blogs, training workshops, instructional videos, 5 Must-Have Topics for Training the Newbies on Your Sales Team

Emotional Intelligence for Sales Success

Emotional intelligence for sales success is no longer a maybe, it is a bona fide requirement for anyone involved in customer-facing positions. We have seen examples of how poor EQ has impacted businesses, such as the Starbucks debacle earlier this year, where the desire to enforce well-meaning corporate policy resulted in the unfortunate arrest of 3 Reasons Your Reps Need to Up Their Emotional Intelligence for Sales Success

Emotional Intelligence

The idea of developing emotional intelligence for sales success is gaining traction. Case in point: an article in the March 2018 print edition of Rough Notes Magazine (a leading trade for insurance agents) is titled “The ‘Other’ Intelligence: Why emotional intelligence is topping leaders’ lists of must-have skills.”  In it, writer Kimberley Paterson states “77% You CAN change your Emotional Intelligence in Business – Here’s How

One of the first priorities when meeting with a prospect is to establish rapport. This can involve some initial small talk about common interests, noticing something in the prospect’s home or office to talk about, or even some innocuous subject such as the weather or sports. Unfortunately, these efforts fall flat sometimes. A talkative salesperson You CAN Grow Your Emotional Intelligence and Sell More


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