
Benefits of pre-employment assessment

Implementing a pre-employment assessment to test all prospective employees, particularly salespeople, has many benefits. The most obvious one is identifying the best possible candidates for specific job roles, which leads to greater productivity and retention. Testing improves recruitment efforts while avoiding the significant expense (as high as $150,000!) and disruption which accompany a bad hire. Chapter 2: Benefits of pre-employment assessment

Start making sense

Many buyers no longer seek as much education from company reps as they did before. They can execute much of their research and product discovery online well before talking to a salesperson. Because of the wealth of information available to prospects, salespeople have been pushed much further back in the buying process. Corporate sales training Sell More by Becoming a Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Salesperson Engagement

You’ve incorporated a hiring aptitude test into your recruitment line and have assembled what you feel is a top-notch team of sellers. You’ve put them through training and feel you are definitely moving in the right direction. And, you wonder if there is something else you can do to improve your sales department. There is How Strong Is Your Salesperson Engagement, and Why Does it Matter?

Top Sales Training Programs

You get what you pay for, and this includes top sales training programs versus the low budget ones. You can save a bit of money by using a new firm trying to enter the market with low prices, and risk losing your investment if the training is subpar. Same with sending salespeople to a community Why Top Sales Training Programs are Worth the Money

business keynote speakers

The image on this post shows a thoughtful person – perhaps a scholar. It’s not an image much associated with business keynote speakers, who generally present a somewhat flashy, driven persona. But I think that the best speakers are not necessarily the guys who jump all over the stage in sweaty, religious fervor. I mean, What Makes for Great Business Keynote Speakers?

Emotional Intelligence

The idea of developing emotional intelligence for sales success is gaining traction. Case in point: an article in the March 2018 print edition of Rough Notes Magazine (a leading trade for insurance agents) is titled “The ‘Other’ Intelligence: Why emotional intelligence is topping leaders’ lists of must-have skills.”  In it, writer Kimberley Paterson states “77% You CAN change your Emotional Intelligence in Business – Here’s How

Sales Training Seminars

Discuss how the book, focus on old brain and the psychology of selling, and EI impact has revolutionized John’s sales training seminars.

To avoid strife between sales and marketing teams, companies must keep the teams balanced. An equitable distribution of responsibilities, budget, and goals can solve many problems before they start. When there’s imbalance, one team will blame the other for poor revenue or productivity 99 percent of the time.  To create a sense of parity, many Are Your Sales and Marketing Teams Balanced?


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