Best Resources for Finding Top Sales Training Programs

There is no denying it – corporate sales training works. It’s a forgone conclusion that to remain competitive and to provide your sales team with the tools to meet and exceed sales goals you will need to invest in a top sales training program. Choosing the right one for your business can mean a bump to your bottom line and a motivated sales team. Choosing incorrectly can mean yet another half-remembered lecture where little is learned or retained, let alone applied back on the job; more or less a wasted opportunity.

With the potential benefit plain to see, making the right selection of which sales training program would best fit and develop your sales team becomes an important choice. Here are some of the best places to find the top sales training programs.

Colleagues and friends

Fellow business professionals will have real-world experience with exactly the kind of decision you have to make. Seeking out their advice about what type of sales training programs they’ve encountered can give you insight into what works and what doesn’t. Also, your friends may have their own experiences to share. Almost everyone has had to attend a training program of some kind at some point in their career. Anything from first impressions of the speakers to what style of presentation stood out to them can help you round out your training program criteria.

Employees/Sales team

Your sales force is made up of individuals with various skill sets and backgrounds. Many of them will have had experiences to share about trainings, sales or otherwise, that can clue you into which sales training programs are worth it. If the majority of them tell you that boring, static speakers made them tune out, then securing a dynamic, interactive sales training program would be at the top of the list in things to look for. And don’t forget your A-team! Your top performers likely weren’t born that way – they acquired their talent over time and many of have benefitted from sales training in the past. Perhaps a particularly good speaker they’ve heard in the past had a profound impact on them. That speaker may have something the rest of your sales force needs to hear.

Online reviews

Of course, for convenience and ease of access, looking up online reviews of sales training programs is a must. Although after a couple of searches, you may find yourself daunted at the amount of search returns. As more and more businesses are realizing the benefits of investing in sales training for their employees, more training programs are created to cater to their needs. The best lists of sales trainings will rank those programs and list the criteria they used to rank them, such as whether they were customizable, were interactive, great takeaways, etc. Nods from sources like Forbes, Harvard Business review or Forbes 500 doesn’t hurt. If these programs have helped other businesses find success, they may very well have the same effect on yours.

By using all of these sources and evaluating them carefully yourself, you will greatly increase your chances of finding the best sales training seminars for you and your team.


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