The Best Sales Training Programs Compared

At Asher Strategies, we know you have choices. There are many programs out there which are useful in training salespeople, and it is often difficult to discern the differences of each at first glance.

But there are differences, and no program is a flawless match for all businesses.

To help you out, I have listed the main areas of focus of five major sales training programs, ours included. Think of it as a quick “cheat sheet” to help you decide which methodology to invest in.

1. Asher Strategies

Let’s start with my own company.  Asher sales training programs emphasize working with the natural abilities of your sales team, and this is why aptitude testing is so important to us. I feel our regimen is an interactive, engaging and enlightening experience for those who participate. Common training methods include in-depth discussions and role-playing exercises.

Focus Points and Benefits Include:

  • Deeper understanding of employee strengths and weaknesses through sales aptitude testing
  • Improved sales through formal sales processes
  • Development of coaches to “grease the wheels”
  • Addresses entire sales organization, from C-Suite strategic planning all the way down to the CRM Software

2. Dale Carnegie

The Dale Carnegie sales training method is rooted in mastering the way that your sales team approaches potential clients and sales prospects. By changing the way that you approach an individual, and focusing on their specific situation and emotions, you can build trust and influence to help drive the sale.

Focus Points and Benefits Include:

  • Reducing critical responses and behaviors to foster trust
  • Heavily communication and diplomacy-based
  • The value of sympathy and rapport in the sales process
  • Emphasizes ingrained principles instead of simple learned and repeated techniques

3. Sandler Sales

With an emphasis that sales strategies should not simply be an act but learned and habitual behaviors, Sandler Sales offers training that focuses on three major areas—attitude, techniques and behavior. Accountability, reinforcement, individual coaching and repetition are all major tools in the training program.

Focus Points and Benefits Include:

  • Heavily focused on changing attitude and thoughts which prevent success
  • Extended training and reinforcement actions through online media and courses to drive in the lessons
  • Negotiations training

4. Action Selling

The Action Selling approach emphasize five major sales skills: Building the buyer-seller relationship, setting sales goals, questioning techniques, listening and presentation skills and closing the sale through commitment. Their sales training programs consist of a combination of video training, moderated discussion and roleplaying exercises to highlight key mistakes and reinforce critical skills.

Focus Points and Benefits Include:

  • Learning through identifying mistakes as well as teaching improved methods
  • Heavily role play based (which is a good thing!)
  • Questioning techniques to help drive the sales process

5. Miller Heiman

The Miller Heiman sales training program emphasizes the importance of planning out a strategy for each complex sales opportunity using their “Blue Sheet.” Training exercises include interactive workshops, moderated discussions and roleplaying experiences.

Focus Points and Benefits Include:

  • Greater understanding of the big sales picture
  • Emphasis on working with actual live deals as part of the training process
  • E-learning training for support staff
  • Team building skills to help sales teams build tools for overall success

I hope the above is of value in helping figure out the differences between five excellent programs. If you find Asher Strategies to be a decent fit for your company, get started today by contacting us here, or watch this video that explains more about what we do.


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