Top Tips for Picking the Best Sales Training Seminars

In this post I will do something a little bit different. Rather than give you MY top tips for picking the best sales training seminars, I will provide some of the best from other professionals in the sales training space.

Why? First, I believe educated customers are the best customers. Second, I hope giving you different viewpoints on sales training inspires you to take action if your sales force needs a turnaround, which is what the best sales training seminars will do.

Let’s start with some tips from The Brooks Group.

Look for in-the-field reinforcement: “You can’t make tactical advice stick – or connect it to a sales professional’s game plan – without field drill and practice.” I agree with this, and the best sales training seminars should always offer follow-up coaching to ensure trainees apply what they learned in class.

Choose firms with sales management training: “if a sales firm doesn’t stress the importance of sales management training…you can be sure they’re not serious about creating lasting results for your company.” Perhaps a harsh statement, but I agree the best sales training seminars will offer specialized management training to increase the chances of success. Too often, executives take the best salesperson on the team and promote him or her to sales manager without considering that managing requires completely different skills than selling.

Another tip comes from Eye on Sales.

Observe how they sell you: “A good salesperson communicates their value against the backdrop of what’s important to the client, rather than just spewing benefit statements.” The post goes on to state  if you are seeking a competitive advantage, the sales trainer should be selling you in a way that demonstrates that competitive advantage, rather than pitch you just like everyone else does. In other words, you want a sales trainer who puts their money where their mouth is and approaches YOU with the same tactics they will be teaching you. If you don’t like the way they sell you, choose another firm.

Finally, we have this from Cloudshare, a training technology company.

Seek trainee interaction and engagement: “One of the best ways to get the most out of training is to get participants involved and learning from one another. Experience is often the best teacher and sometimes the most veteran employee can gain new insight from a unique story shared by a newcomer.” I agree wholeheartedly. The best sales training seminars spend time getting trainees to role play, share anecdotes, and help each other with sales problems, which is extremely valuable. It keeps things grounded in practical application and interesting for everyone involved, including the trainers!

If your company’s revenue is not where it needs to be, take the opportunity to improve it using one of the best sales training seminars I think you will find: Asher Strategies Top Ten Selling Skills. It teaches the basics of sales in a high-energy, interactive way that will not bore your salespeople to death.

Watch this video and then call us at (866) 833-9939 to get started!

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