APQ -The New Asher Strategies Sales Aptitude Assessment Can Include Business Sales Training

Our blog followers and our clients know how strongly we advocate for sales aptitude assessments for all sales personnel and prospective hires. Over and over again, we witness firsthand the astonishing results obtainable by placing people in appropriate roles based on their natural aptitude before training them.

Our preferred test for finding the best salespeople has always been the CPQ, the Craft Personality Questionnaire. And now, I am excited to announce that we are using a much-improved version of this reliable, accurate test.

Introducing the APQ – The Advanced Personality Questionnaire.

What’s new in the APQ?

The CPQ sales aptitude assessment has been used for several decades, with a tremendous amount of research and correlated studies that back up real world results. Thanks to this large volume of data, many improvements have been made in the new test, the APQ.

  • The questions have been redesigned, making it difficult to “game the system” and produce dishonest results.
  • The number of job roles you can test suitability for has been simplified, based on a refined understanding of what each sales position requires.
  • Revamped, modernized interface makes taking the test easier.
  • Reports are clearer and much easier to understand.
  • The new APQ is focused on assisting the candidate with developing their EQ (emotional intelligence) to a greater level.  The reports help the candidate to better understand their personality style, recognize other personality styles, and then learn how to perform and “stretch” to a more ideal range for their position.

Why use a sales aptitude assessment in the first place?

Too often, hiring a salesperson based on gut feelings and an impressive resume lead to terrible results. Resumes are often padded, and it is easy to fall prey to smooth talkers who simply interview well and cannot sell a product or service besides themselves.

The APQ sales aptitude assessment helps filter out those people before they ever join your ranks.

It also helps identify existing personnel who would be better suited for a different position or different place of employment.

Hiring the wrong person can waste an average of $150,000 when you consider onboarding costs, business sales training, office space, computers, and lost sales that would otherwise have closed with a better qualified salesperson.

And hiring the right person, one of the top 20 percent of salespeople, is much easier to accomplish if you can identify him or her using the APQ.

Get started

Our new APQ delivery system is up and running and ready to provide you and your candidate with the insights you need to build the ultimate sales force.

To find out how to implement the APQ in your organization affordably and easily, please call us at 877-732-0363. We offer volume discounts and can structure a package which includes sales training as well.

Sales aptitude assessments are growing in importance. Don’t let your firm remain in the dark about your prospects’ natural fit for the job you are hiring them for – use the APQ!


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