Teach Your Sales Team These Two New Marketing Tricks

Marketing and sales go hand in hand. The functions of these departments often overlap, and I have worked with some firms where there is no real distinction – the sales department is the marketing department for all intent and purposes.
That being said, marketing speakers are just as valuable for salespeople as they are for dedicated marketing teams, because it gets them to own the beginning of the funnel and be more proactive in sourcing leads.
Here are two great tips to help your salespeople become better marketers in this digital age.
Don’t just post – amplify
Marketing speakers have excellent tips for social media. And almost all will tell you that posting on social media is simply not enough anymore. There is so much noise that you must boost your posts in order to be heard. Add the fact that algorithms have minimized organic reach (a la Facebook) and it’s clear that “pay-to-play” has become a reality on just about every platform.
• Boost your most popular posts – it may be tempting to invest in the posts with less views or engagement in order for them to “catch up” to your more popular posts. If you have the budget to boost ALL your posts, fine. Otherwise, go for the proven winners because there is obviously something causing people to respond, and your job is to expose that great content to more eyeballs.
• Automate. If your budget is limited, you can still amplify your content through repeated social media posts. The issue is that most of us don’t bother with this unless we have a dedicated social media manager. Hootsuite and Buffer are two great platforms for scheduling social media posts with both free and paid functionality. Try scheduling 10 tweets of your blog post over the next few weeks at different times of the day. This will catch more people, and remind those who scrolled past the first time, they can still read it.
A/B Test Everything
This is tough for marketing speakers to teach some old timers, but data and analytics are your friends. The best way to figure out the best marketing messages is to test them and analyze the resulting data. This includes things such as emails, voice mails, sales scripts and more.
A/B testing does not have to be complicated. Simply test two versions against each other and determine a winner based on the success metrics you determined beforehand, such as open rates, clicks, leads, or even revenue. You can use the winner moving forward or pit it against another version in a bid for even better results.
You could go so far as to A/B test your elevator pitch at a networking event: deliver a couple of different versions to the first few people you interact with to determine which gets you more interest. Use the winner for the rest of the evening.
Marketing speakers can improve the way your salespeople market themselves and your business with tips like these. Invest in one for your next function.
Video: Embed the new Keynote speakers video at the top of this page https://www.asherstrategies.com/keynote/sales-keynote-speakers.php