How Top Sales Training Programs Have Evolved in the Past 10 Years

Looking back, it is amazing how much top sales training programs have evolved in response to changes in the business climate – most of which has been driven by advances in technology.

While the basics of sales will always be the foundation for success, it is important to relate them to the current market where salespeople operate. The top sales training programs achieve a blend of the fundamentals and the latest trends in sales to best prepare attendees for success.

Here are just a few important ways in which sales training programs have evolved in the past 10 years.

It’s a social world

Ten years ago, social media was still very young. Forward thinkers declared that businesses needed to establish strong social media presences. This was necessary to capture the attention of a population which was slowly but surely moving away from traditional media sources to online networks driven by relationships. “Social proof” and “engagement” thus became part of marketers and sales people’s vocabulary.

Many B2B businesses were slow to adapt, but today most have at least dipped their toes in the social media waters – even if solely through establishing a LinkedIn profile.Many wish to go deeper, and need guidance. Top sales training programs have evolved into including at least one module on social media strategies in response to this demand.

Youtube and other online video tools

YouTube and other video hosting sites have become very important to B2B businesses in the past decade; top sales training programs have capitalized on this trend and expanded their curricula to include video marketing.

Not only that, smart trainers have also put some of their life’s lessons and entire training workshops online for students to access at their convenience. This works as a branding opportunity if the videos are viewable for free, or as another revenue stream if charging.

The Mobile Revolution

The mobile revolution includes smartphones and tablets. People carry their own screens around with them 24/7 – so much so that American Airlines recently announced it is doing away with in-chair screens since passengers prefer to use their mobile devices.

The top sales training programs have embraced this shift in many ways. First, portable CRM options provide salespeople with vital information at their fingertips – but their potentials are only partially explored. Training which unlocks these potentials,so that salespeople are armed with prospect/customer data wherever they may be, is increasingly valuable.

Second, mobile phones and tablets have become excellent presentation tools for the savvy. Many salespeople still lug around a projector and laptop with them. Sales trainers have increased awareness of the benefits by simply pulling up a video or presentation on a mobile device and handing it over to the student to promote awareness of how to use these tools.

Third, with the advent of POS systems running on mobile devices, the top sales training programs help attendees better close deals and even collect payment instantly anywhere and at any time – greatly increasing their selling power.

Perhaps in the future, top sales training programs will be teaching how to use VR headsets to walk prospects through a plant or showroom floor remotely. Or bringing up 3D holograms where a product model can be turned to any angle, zoomed in, and otherwise manipulated halfway across the world.

What do you think the future holds for the selling profession? Comment below!


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