10 Easy to Understand Ways Asher Sales Training Workshops Produce Better Results

To put it simply, sales training works. The amount of money spent on sales teams annually is estimated at one trillion dollars, with much of it going to direct staff training. Would top companies invest so much of their resources if they weren’t seeing results? Can corporate sales training do the same for your business? And how?

Here is a straightforward list of ten different ways your business can benefit from Asher sales training workshops.

Asher is professional

Sales training workshops are something Asher Strategies has been presenting for over 30 years. During that time they have trained over 70,000 sales people and improved the sales processes in over 1,000 companies. Their materials represent the industry standard and are always improving using current data. They have the experience to teach sales vets and new hires alike.

APQ finds the right candidates

A great interview, winning smile and a firm handshake help evaluate a potential hire. However, the results of an assessment test like Asher’s APQ are potentially more important than all those things combined when it comes to predicting their performance down the line. As Melissa Korn in the Wall Street Journal puts it, assessment testing “… can tell a company what’s behind that handshake.” Matching the candidate with a temperament best suited to his or her job is the best way to ensure future success in the role.

Role play is essential

The types of training most likely to stick in the memory of any sales person will be the types that have immediate, real-world impact on their day to day sales. That is exactly the kind of corporate sales training workshop Asher strives to present. Using tools like role play between sale persons to simulate potential customer complaints can be illuminating, and the lessons can be applied right away.

Dynamic training

A dry, lecture format isn’t a very good way to teach anything, and sales training is no different. Asher will begin by engaging with the audience, polling for experience and getting feedback directly from the participants. Not only do we get the benefit of their years on the job, but this interaction provides a chance for dialogue and naturally promotes buy-in and engagement with the presentation.

New Technologies

No modern sales training would be complete without a focus on current technology and how it is affecting the modern salesperson. Learning about social media as a way to cull leads, knowing which apps are most useful, and overall trends in tech, are crucial for a competitive sales force.

Improve and hone skill set

Even that top 4% of sales people will benefit from sales training and be able to sharpen the skill set they already have, while those not performing at the highest end can begin to move the needle closer to a top performer.

Morale boost

One of the best things about Asher sales training workshops is that they are actually fun! Far from a staid, “sit and get” deluge of information and tactics, materials are presented in a relaxed, interactive process and participants will never feel like they are getting filibustered.

Save money

A fabulous fringe benefit, by hiring the right candidate in the right position the first time, you save on overall hiring costs, not to mention the increase in revenue from greater sales numbers and more closings.


Sale coaching/multimedia

For those performers ready to take their skill set to the next level. Asher offers one on one sales coaching for select employees to better instill more complex materials. Also offered, are many online multimedia tools such as e-books, white papers and videos on YouTube that help to reinforce lessons learned — all are as close as your nearest smart phone or laptop.

Business Sales Training just works

The companies that have utilized Asher sales training workshops can tell you — they produce results. On average, you can expect a 17% increase in new sales acquisition and a 47% reduction in sales cycle time.

Asher corporate sales training is the perfect way to step up the sales numbers for your company and begin to produce the superior results dozens of companies are already witnessing.


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