The Role of Technology in Modern Sales Aptitude Assessments

In the ever-evolving landscape of sales, where competition is fierce and success hinges on the right skills and talents, the role of technology in shaping modern sales aptitude assessments cannot be overstated. Traditional methods are giving way to innovative approaches that leverage cutting-edge technologies to identify, nurture, and optimize sales talent. In this blog post, The Role of Technology in Modern Sales Aptitude Assessments

Why you should not rely on the DISC assessment to hire salespeople

The DISC assessment has been a go-to tool for assessing the personality style of job applicants and current employees across many industries since the early 1970’s. The assessment is named after the four major personality styles:  Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. It is thought that by testing someone and plotting their answers against DISC’s established Why you should not rely on the DISC assessment to hire salespeople

Chapter 6 – What to look for? (Key Selection Factors/Features)

In the previous chapters we covered the basics of pre-employment assessments and their value to sales organizations. In the following installment, we delve into the features which comprise a great test, especially for sales candidates. Correlation studies The most important question every test must answer is “Do these test scores correlate with real-world performance?” Otherwise, Chapter 6 – What to look for? (Key Selection Factors/Features)

Can a Sales Aptitude Test be Faked?

A sales aptitude test is the best way to hand-pick applicants who possess natural sales ability from a pool of applicants. Sales aptitude tests are affordable, convenient, and accurate, with results corroborated against actual sales performance through 20 years of research and 300,000 assessments. A large body of real-world experience and testimonials exists, including that Can a Sales Aptitude Test be Faked?