Sales Training Skills: Ghosting Discriminators – Not Spooky, Just Effective

Salespeople are in the fortunate position of being in an occupation where their own wits and determination determine their pay amount, as opposed to non-commissioned workers that are at the mercy of unchanging hourly or weekly rates. Maintaining this freedom, however, requires continuously updating their knowledge and skills as part of the sales process management Sales Training Skills: Ghosting Discriminators – Not Spooky, Just Effective

Our top ten closing approaches

You’ve recognized the buyer’s shift and you’re at the closing point…. now what? Remember that closing is simply helping the prospect make a decision. The progression of ideas that both you and your prospect have shared has lead to this moment. Make sure to handle this portion of the sale with the utmost amount of Our top ten closing approaches

Sales Training That Will Stick

After reviewing over 15 branded sales methodologies, we found that in the spectrum of sales training methodologies, the training is oriented from transactional sales (very short sales cycle times) to very complex sales with long sales cycle times (years).  According to one methodology, you can teach anyone to sell. Perhaps true, but how well? One of the Sales Training That Will Stick